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May 8, 2020


Continue to work on your platform game.

  1. Open your game building check sheet (you have the link)
  2. Put a date next to what you plan to accomplish today
  3. Begin coding!
  4. C0mplete the exit ticket

Exit Ticket

    1. Please give your response on FlipGrid here: https://flipgrid.com/2486f7cc

Always feel free to contact me:


      • A startup level/scene.  Where you introduce the game.
      • A theme: Star wars, cookies, fast food, whatever!
      • At least three different types of obstacles with consequences such as
        • Return to beginning or go back 50% (your choice)
        • Character dies
        • Change size
        • Or any ideas of your own
      • Sounds (required)
        • Music playing in game
        • Jump
        • Hit power up
        • Hit obstacle
        • Shooting?
        • Death
        • Other sounds of your own
      • Score system
        • Score moves between levels
        • High score at end
      • Three different power ups such as
        • Size, color, score, speed, shoot, etc.
        • Ideas of your own. 

Optional Challenges.  Can you make this happen?

      • High score table
      • Other great ideas you have
      • Character moves backward
      • Character is animated
      • Lava is animated using something like particle effects


Always feel free to contact me:


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